5 package ui;
7 import java.awt.*;
8 import javax.swing.*;
10 /***
11 * This class contains foreign methods for determining Point calculations.
12 * These should really be part of Toolkit.
13 *
14 * @author Barrie Treloar
15 */
16 public class PointUtilities
17 {
18 private PointUtilities()
19 {
20 }
22 /***
23 * Returns the Point that will position the specified component on the
24 * center of the screen. The position is where the top left hand corner
25 * needs to be located so that the component is in the screen center.
26 *
27 * @param toBeCentered the Component to center on the screen.
28 * @return the Point that will position the component so it is centered on
29 * the screen.
30 */
31 public static Point centeredOnScreen( Component toBeCentered )
32 {
33 Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
34 Point screenCenter = new Point();
35 double x = screenSize.getWidth() / 2;
36 double y = screenSize.getHeight() / 2;
37 screenCenter.setLocation( x, y );
38 return centeredOnPoint( screenCenter, toBeCentered );
39 }
41 /***
42 * Returns the screen coordinates for a Point that will position the specified
43 * component in the center of another component. The screen coordinate space
44 * is used incase the size of the component to center is larger than the component
45 * being centered on.
46 *
47 * @param centeredOn the Component whose center is used as the point to center on.
48 * @param toBeCentered the Component that will be centered around the center point.
49 */
50 public static Point centeredOnComponent( Component centeredOn, Component toBeCentered )
51 {
52 Dimension centeredOnSize = getSize( centeredOn );
53 Point centerPoint = new Point();
54 double x = centeredOnSize.getWidth() / 2;
55 double y = centeredOnSize.getHeight() / 2;
56 centerPoint.setLocation( x, y );
57 SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( centerPoint, centeredOn );
58 return centeredOnPoint( centerPoint, toBeCentered );
59 }
61 /***
62 * Returns the screen coordinates for a Point that will position the specified
63 * component such that it is centered on the center Point.
64 *
65 * @param centerPoint the center point in screen coordinates
66 * @param toBeCentered the Component to center around the center point
67 */
68 public static Point centeredOnPoint( Point centerPoint, Component toBeCentered )
69 {
70 Point result = new Point();
71 Dimension componentSize = getSize( toBeCentered );
72 double x = centerPoint.getX() - componentSize.getWidth() / 2;
73 double y = centerPoint.getY() - componentSize.getHeight() / 2;
74 result.setLocation( x, y );
75 return result;
76 }
78 /***
79 * Returns the size of the component, or if the size is not yet set then the
80 * preferredSize of the component.
81 *
82 * @param c the Component to get the size for
83 * @return the size of the Component
84 */
85 private static Dimension getSize( Component c )
86 {
87 Dimension result;
88 result = c.getSize();
89 if ( result.width == 0 )
90 {
91 result = c.getPreferredSize();
92 }
93 return result;
94 }
95 }